Hussein Alnuweiri
Electrical and Computer Engineering
Texas A&M University at Qatar
Dr. Alnuweiri is a member of the IEEE and was a delegate of the Standards Council of Canada for the MPEG-4 (ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 29/WG11) committee, where he contributed the first reference software for an MPEG-4 streaming server in 2001.
Research Interest
Areas of specific interest include advanced computing structures, application-specific parallel and multi-processing architectures, configurable computing, high-speed digital design, parallel and distributed algorithms, wireless and sensor networks, scheduling theory, traffic engineering, and quality-of-service mechanisms in wired and wireless networks.
A. Mohamed and H. M. Alnuweiri, "Cross-Layer Distributed Approach for Optimal Rate Allocation for Homogeneous Wireless Multicast". IET (IEE-) Communications Journal, special Issue on Wireless Mobile Networks: Cross-Layer Communication, April 2007.
T. Khattab, and H. M. Alnuweiri, "Optical CDMA for All-Optical Sub-Wavelength Switching in Core GMPLS Networks", IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Comm.(JSAC), Vol.25 No.5 June 2007.
A. Mohamed and H. M. Alnuweiri, "Cross-layer Optimal Rate Allocation for Heterogeneous Wireless Multicast", Elsevier Journal on Ad hoc Networks.