Jenny Sheppard
Jenny Sheppard B.Sc. Ph.D. Staff Stratigrapher –
United States of America
Jenny has over 6 years’ experience in petroleum industry consulting, specialising mainly in detailed Late Cretaceous palynology, stratigraphy and correlation in West Africa, including numerous single and multi-well studies from Ghana, Cote D’Ivoire, Liberia and Nigeria. She has also, since 2012, gained experience in West African Tropical Tertiary palynology (Cameroon) and the Mid-Late Cretaceous palynology of South Africa (Orange Basin), East Africa and South America. Prior to joined the company in October 2009 Jenny completed a B.Sc. Earth Science (2004) and a Ph.D. (2009) at University College Cork, Ireland. Her final year B.Sc. dissertation included a palynological study of the Pabay Shale Formation (Early Jurassic), SW Raasay, northern Scotland. Her Ph.D. was a multidisciplinary study of the palynology, ichnology, palaeoenvironments and detailed biostratigraphy of Tournaisian (Mississippian) outcrops in southern Ireland and South Wales. Results from both her undergraduate dissertation and her doctorate have been published
Research Interest