Material Science
A James Clark School of Engineering
Education :Ph.D., University of Newcastle Upon Tyne, England, 1981 Teaching :Dr. Al-Sheikhly developed and typically teaches the following courses: ENMA 620: Polymer Physics The thermodynamics, structure, morphology and properties of polymers. Developing an understanding of the relationships between theory and observed behavior in polymeric materials. ENMA 624: Radiation Engineering Ionizing radiation, radiation dosimetry and sensors, radiation processing, radiation effects on; polymers, metals, semiconductors, liquid, and gas, radiation in advance manufacturing, radiation-physical technology. Dr. Al-Sheikhly has also developed and taught: ENNU 489C & ENMA 698D: Special Problems in Materials Science and Engineering: Degradation of Materials ENCH 468J: Environmental Chemical Engineering ENMA 489: Environmental Effects on Engineering Materials ENNU 631: Applied Radiation Physics ENMA 698R: Special Problems in Materials Science and Engineering: Radiation Effects in Polymers Honors and Awards The 3M Company Faculty Award (company gift), September, 2000. ASTM-Committee E10 on Nuclear Technology and Applications, Award of Appreciation "For Outstanding Leadership and Services to ASTM Subcommittee E10-01 As the Chairman of the Task Group that Developed the Revised Standard Guide for Selection and Calibration of Dosimetry Systems For Radiation Processing", 2001. Elected President of the Council of Ionizing Radiation Measurements and Standards (CIRMS). CIRMS is an independent, non-profit council that brings together experts involved in all aspects of ionizing radiation to discuss, review and assess developments and needs in this field. CIRMS was established and is sponsored by the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) Physics Laboratory, 2005. Scholar Professor Award: Université de Reims Champagne ArdenneInstitut de Chimie Moléculaire de Reims-France, May 2014. The International Irradiation Association Laureate Award, November 2016. Professional Memberships American Chemical Society American Nuclear Society American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) Council on Ionizing Radiation Measurements and Standards (CIRMS) Material Research Society Oxygen Club (Washington, D. C.) Education :Ph.D., University of Newcastle Upon Tyne, England, 1981 Teaching :Dr. Al-Sheikhly developed and typically teaches the following courses: ENMA 620: Polymer Physics The thermodynamics, structure, morphology and properties of polymers. Developing an understanding of the relationships between theory and observed behavior in polymeric materials. ENMA 624: Radiation Engineering Ionizing radiation, radiation dosimetry and sensors, radiation processing, radiation effects on; polymers, metals, semiconductors, liquid, and gas, radiation in advance manufacturing, radiation-physical technology. Dr. Al-Sheikhly has also developed and taught: ENNU 489C & ENMA 698D: Special Problems in Materials Science and Engineering: Degradation of Materials ENCH 468J: Environmental Chemical Engineering ENMA 489: Environmental Effects on Engineering Materials ENNU 631: Applied Radiation Physics ENMA 698R: Special Problems in Materials Science and Engineering: Radiation Effects in Polymers Honors and Awards The 3M Company Faculty Award (company gift), September, 2000. ASTM-Committee E10 on Nuclear Technology and Applications, Award of Appreciation "For Outstanding Leadership and Services to ASTM Subcommittee E10-01 As the Chairman of the Task Group that Developed the Revised Standard Guide for Selection and Calibration of Dosimetry Systems For Radiation Processing", 2001. Elected President of the Council of Ionizing Radiation Measurements and Standards (CIRMS). CIRMS is an independent, non-profit council that brings together experts involved in all aspects of ionizing radiation to discuss, review and assess developments and needs in this field. CIRMS was established and is sponsored by the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) Physics Laboratory, 2005. Scholar Professor Award: Université de Reims Champagne ArdenneInstitut de Chimie Moléculaire de Reims-France, May 2014. The International Irradiation Association Laureate Award, November 2016. Professional Memberships American Chemical Society American Nuclear Society American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) Council on Ionizing Radiation Measurements and Standards (CIRMS) Material Research Society Oxygen Club (Washington, D. C.)
Research Interest
Polymers, biomaterials, radiation engineering, nuclear engineering, environmental effects.