Pedro Gómez-vilda
Cardiovascular Medicine
Cleveland Clinic
is a staff cardiologist in the Robert and Suzanne Tomsich Department of Cardiovascular Medicine in the Sydell and Arnold Miller Family Heart & Vascular Institute at Cleveland Clinic. He also is Co-Director and Co-Founder of the Cardiovascular Genebank. His primary clinical interests are complex coronary interventions, novel treatments for patients who are unable to have surgery, minimally invasive treatments for patients with aortic valve disease and studies to better understand the basis and predict the occurrence of disease (genomics and proteomics).
Research Interest
Angina Aortic Stenosis Atherosclerosis (vascular) Bifurcation Blockage Cardiovascular Risk Prevention Coronary Aneurysm Coronary Artery Disease Heart Attack Heart Valve Disease Ischemic Cardiomyopathy