Ms. Â grixti.m
Diabetis and Endocrinology
Ms. Grixti.M started in 1990 as a Staff Nurse in Diabetes. She continued holding various posts within the Department till finally she was appointed as a Nursing Officer in charge of Administrative Duties and Patient Education. Moira obviously began to have a special interest in Diabetes and decided to further her training not just locally but also overseas. Her role as a Nurse Specialist responsible for patient education has and will always be the most fulfilling of all. It has given her the opportunity to form relationships with patients as well as their relatives, offering support whenever needed. Ms. Grixti.M started in 1990 as a Staff Nurse in Diabetes. She continued holding various posts within the Department till finally she was appointed as a Nursing Officer in charge of Administrative Duties and Patient Education. Moira obviously began to have a special interest in Diabetes and decided to further her training not just locally but also overseas. Her role as a Nurse Specialist responsible for patient education has and will always be the most fulfilling of all. It has given her the opportunity to form relationships with patients as well as their relatives, offering support whenever needed.
Research Interest
Diabetes and Foot Problems Diabetes and Pregnancy Diabetes and Sexual and Urologic Problems Diabetes Diet, Eating, and Physical Activity