Business and Management
OMV Petrom
Deputy Chairwoman born November 11, 1952 first appointed 2015 Education: ïµ 1981: Economics and social sciences, Dr.rer.soc.oec, University of Vienna ïµ 1975: Economics and social sciences (with honours), Mag.rer.soc.oec, University of Vienna Career: ïµ 2003-2011: Member of the Executive Board, European Central Bank – Market operations (until 2006), Payment systems and market infrastructure, Staff, Budget and Organization ïµ 1998-2003: Vice-Governor, Oesterreichische Nationalbank ïµ 1997-2003: Executive Director, Economics and Financial Division, Oesterreichische Nationalbank ïµ 1992-1997: Director of area, Corporate Planning and Management, Oesterreichische Nationalbank ïµ 1986-1992: Comptroller General, Developing strategic planning and auditing, Oesterreichische Nationalbank ïµ 1985-1986: Deputy Head, Economics Division, Oesterreichische Nationalbank ïµ 1981-1984: Economic Policy Advisor to the Minister of Finance, Austrian Finance Ministry ïµ 1975-1981: Economics Division, Oesterreichische Nationalbank Other Functions: ïµ Member of the Supervisory Board, Commerzbank AG (listed) ïµ Member of the Supervisory Board, Vienna Insurance Group (listed) ïµ Member of the Supervisory Board, ÖBB Holding AG (not listed) ïµ Member of the Supervisory Board, FIMBAG (not listed) ïµ Chairwoman, Expert Group on debt redemption fund and eurobills, European Commission ïµ Member of the University Board, Montanuniversität Leoben
Research Interest
Business and Management