Environmental Sciences

Environmental Sciences Experts

Safia Taleb

Department of Chemistry
Djillali Liabes University


Ms. Safia Taleb is Doctor ‘’Es Sciences” of the Catholic University of Louvain in Belgium.  She holds the position of Professor of Chemistry and Deputy Director at the Faculty of Sciences, Djillali Liabès University in  Sidi Bel Abbès (Algeria). She occupied President’s post of Scientific Council in Faculty of Sciences. She is a Editorial Board’s member of several of international and national journals. Professor Safia Taleb is member of Scientific Committees in several international events. She  supervised Ph.D, Master & Magister theses in the field of Environmental Chemistry. Also, she activates in national and international projects of Scientific research. Ms. Safia Taleb is Doctor ‘’Es Sciences” of the Catholic University of Louvain in Belgium.  She holds the position of Professor of Chemistry and Deputy Director at the Faculty of Sciences, Djillali Liabès University in  Sidi Bel Abbès (Algeria). She occupied President’s post of Scientific Council in Faculty of Sciences. She is a Editorial Board’s member of several of international and national journals. Professor Safia Taleb is member of Scientific Committees in several international events. She  supervised Ph.D, Master & Magister theses in the field of Environmental Chemistry. Also, she activates in national and international projects of Scientific research.

Research Interest

Organic chemistry-Water quality- Pollution treatment- Analytical Applied Chemistry - Environmental Chemistry.

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