
Engineering Experts

Tami Lamp

Chief People Officer
Chief People Officer
Assistant Research Scientist (Nematology)


Tami was recently EVP of HR at one of the largest private employers in Washington, Group Health, successfully guiding HR through a large acquisition. Prior to that role, she was head of HR for a joint venture between Microsoft and GE. She was instrumental in building Microsoft’s international development presence in India, leading the organization during the global expansion of the Developer Evangelism program. She also had a major role in the meteoric rise of Starbucks, as the company grew from 700 to over 45,000 employees.

Research Interest

Tami was recently EVP of HR at one of the largest private employers in Washington, Group Health, successfully guiding HR through a large acquisition. Prior to that role, she was head of HR for a joint venture between Microsoft and GE. She was instrumental in building Microsoft’s international development presence in India, leading the organization during the global expansion of the Developer Evangelism program. She also had a major role in the meteoric rise of Starbucks, as the company grew from 700 to over 45,000 employees.

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