Food & Nutrition

Food & Nutrition Experts

Jana Broecker

Ds Co


Ayfira Inc. has been committed to providing Firacolor Interior, Exterior and Decoratives Paint Products for over 40 years experience. All Firacolor products are manufactured in Istanbul/Turkey and distrubuted to all over the world. The most powerful side of our company is high quality product and competitive pricing among the market. Our experience in surrounding geographies including Europe and especially in France will gain a new impetus. We are proud of having introduced a new brand, Firacolor, to the market based on our long years of know-how in the paint industry. The target that we have set for ourselves is to grow in the market as a strong sectoral player, a new step taken in addition to the existing geographies that we export to. We are looking forward to promoting Firacolor, the new brand of Turkeys fast growing paint industry opening up to the world. Firacolor will pioneer new inspirations and applications from decoration to interior and exterior facets and we are confident that Firacolor will make proud not only us but also you with the quality that it offers as a Turkish brand.

Research Interest

Decorative Wall Coatings, Acrylic Paints,Interior Wall Paints,Exterior Wall Paints,Plasters,Exterior Coatings,Exterior Paints,Ceiling,Isolation,Primers And Putty,Interior Paints,Decorative Coatings

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