Food & Nutrition

Food & Nutrition Experts

Sandro Cosconati

Non-Executive Chairman
Bilcare Research


  Sandro Cosconati received his Masters Degree in Medicinal Chemistry and Technologies summa cum laude at the University of Naples “Federico II”. In December 2006 he received his PhD in Medicinal Chemistry. In 2007 he was Research Associate at The Scripps Research Institute in Prof. A. J. Olson’s Laboratory. In 2011 Dr. Cosconati moved to the Dipartimento di Scienze e Tecnologie Ambientali Biologiche e Farmaceutiche (DiSTABiF) of the Seconda Università degli Studi di Napoli-SUN, Caserta, Italy to become Assistant Professor of Medicinal Chemistry. He was awarded “Best Young Researcher in Medicinal Chemistry” by the Italian Chemical Society (Farmindustria Prize) in September 2013 and is author of more than 60 research articles on top scientific journals in the drug discovery field.

Research Interest

  Sandro Cosconati received his Masters Degree in Medicinal Chemistry and Technologies summa cum laude at the University of Naples “Federico II”. In December 2006 he received his PhD in Medicinal Chemistry. In 2007 he was Research Associate at The Scripps Research Institute in Prof. A. J. Olson’s Laboratory. In 2011 Dr. Cosconati moved to the Dipartimento di Scienze e Tecnologie Ambientali Biologiche e Farmaceutiche (DiSTABiF) of the Seconda Università degli Studi di Napoli-SUN, Caserta, Italy to become Assistant Professor of Medicinal Chemistry. He was awarded “Best Young Researcher in Medicinal Chemistry” by the Italian Chemical Society (Farmindustria Prize) in September 2013 and is author of more than 60 research articles on top scientific journals in the drug discovery field.

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