
Dermatology Experts

Alexandra Matzke

Non-Executive Chairman


 e basis of the R&D activities of amcure. As project leader she was in charge of several innovation projects dealing with the development of CD44v6 blocking agents towards therapeutic use funded by the Helmholtz Society and the Federal Ministry of Economics and Technology (BMWi). As Chief Scientific Officer she is part of the management team of amcure and takes over responsibility for the R&D project pipeline.

Research Interest

 e basis of the R&D activities of amcure. As project leader she was in charge of several innovation projects dealing with the development of CD44v6 blocking agents towards therapeutic use funded by the Helmholtz Society and the Federal Ministry of Economics and Technology (BMWi). As Chief Scientific Officer she is part of the management team of amcure and takes over responsibility for the R&D project pipeline.

Global Experts from Antarctica

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