Bioinformatics & Systems Biology

Bioinformatics & Systems Biology Experts

Alan Smith

Lecturer in Vascular Surgery
Faculty of Medical Sciences
University of West Indies
Antigua and Barbuda


Dr. Alan Smith, Lecturer in Vascular Surgery in university of west indies.

Research Interest

Medicine, Clinical Faculty


  • Leviton AE, Gibbs RH, Heal E, Dawson CE. Standards in herpetology and ichthyology: Part I. Standard symbolic codes for institutional resource collections in herpetology and ichthyology. Copeia. 1985 Aug 5:802-32.

  • Chittaro PM, Clarke K, Esteves R, Fonseca AC, Forrester GE. Recent region-wide declines in Caribbean reef fish abundance. Current Biology. 2009 Apr 14;19(7):590-5.

  • Gluckman PD, Hanson MA, Bateson P, Beedle AS, Law CM, Bhutta ZA, Anokhin KV, Bougnères P, Chandak GR, Dasgupta P, Smith GD. Towards a new developmental synthesis: adaptive developmental plasticity and human disease. The Lancet. 2009 May 9;373(9675):1654-7. Paddack MJ, Reynolds JD, Aguilar C, Appeldoorn RS, Beets J, Burkett EW,

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