Annette Greene
Research Assistant
University of West Indies
Antigua and Barbuda
Annette Greene came to Economics from a background in business administration. She earned her first degree in Economics in 2004 and her Master’s degree in Financial and Business Economics in 2006 – both from UWI Cave Hill Campus. She has been part of the Economics Department as a part-time tutor and lecturer since 2004. She has also acted in the capacity of facilitator and E-tutor with the Open Campus and the Cave Hill School of Business. The past three or so years have been spent mainly in research, first with an attachment to the Sir Arthur Lewis Institute (SALISES) and now with the Department of Economics, where she began.
Research Interest
Economics from a background in business administration.
Smith E, Green A. School students' learning from their paid and unpaid work. National Centre for Vocational Education Research; 2001 Dec 12.