
Social & Political Sciences Experts

Eddy Ventose

Professor of Law
University of West Indies
Antigua and Barbuda


Eddy Ventose is a Professor of Law he completed his LL.B. (UWI); LL.M. (Cantab); D.Phil. (Oxon); PG Dip (Legal Practice) (OXILP); L.E.C. HWLS). His administrative duties are Campus Coordinator, Graduate Studies and Research, Head, Intellectual Property Unit, Attorney-at-Law Barbados, St. Kitts and Nevis and Saint Lucia, Solicitor (non-practising) England and Wales.

Research Interest

Professor Ventose’s main research interests lies in the application of legal principles, including particular patent law, to the medical field, and the regulation of medicines and pharmaceuticals. His interests broadly relate to, on the one hand, the ways in which patent law can foster research and innovation in the pharmaceutical industry, and, on the other hand, the ways in which in doing so it may encroach on the activities of physicians when they treat their patients.


  • Ventose ED. Patent Protection for Diagnostic Methods Under the European Patent Convention.

  • Ventose ED. Making Sense of the Decision of the Enlarged Board of Appeal in Cygnus/Diagnostic Method.

  • Ventose ED. Legitimate Expectations, Governmental Policy and the Queen’s Chain.

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