Nlandu Mamingi
University of West Indies
Antigua and Barbuda
Nlandu Mamingi is a Professor of Economics in the Department of Economics of The University of the West Indies, Cave Hill Campus, Barbados. Prior to joining Cave Hill in September 1996, he worked for the World Bank in Washington, D.C. He teaches econometrics II, econometric methods, transport econometrics, statistical methods II, and environmental economics. His main research areas cover econometrics (qualitative variables and time series econometrics, namely) and resource and environmental economics (valuation of non- market goods/services, pollution and stock market, climate change, sustainable development and green economy). He has authored Theoretical and Empirical Exercises in Econometrics. He has published a number of book chapters and papers in refereed journals such as Economics Letters, Journal of Development Economics, Journal of Policy Modeling, Journal of Environmental Economics and Management, Environment and Development Economics, Ecological Economics and Environment and Resource Economics. He has been on the editorial board of International Journal of Social and Economic Research and a committee member of Journal of Eastern Caribbean Studies. He has been a referee to some major journals in the profession such as Journal of Econometrics, Journal of Business and Economic Statistics, Journal of Development Economics, Journal of Environmental Economics and Management, and International Journal of Forecasting. Professor Mamingi is also an emerging Congolese poet with seven published poetry books (collections). Professor Mamingi holds a B.Sc. degree in Economics from the National University of Zaire, Campus of Kinshasa (University of Kinshasa, Democratic Republic of Congo), a Masters degree in Development Studies from the Institute of Social Studies (now an institute of Erasmus University), The Hague, The Netherlands and a Masters and Ph.D. degrees in Economics from the State University of New York, Albany, USA.
Research Interest
Boamah DO, Jackman M, Mamingi N. Credit Growth and the External Current Account in Barbados. Journal of Eastern Caribbean Studies. 2011 Sep 1;36(3):16.
Mamingi N, Boamah DO, Jackman MN. Bahamas and Barbados: empirical evidence of interest rate pass-through. Cepal review. 2011.
Mamingi N, Boamah DO, Jackman MN. Bahamas and Barbados: empirical evidence of the transmission of interest rates. CEPAL REVIEW. 2011 Apr 1(103):123-37.