
Agri and Aquaculture Experts

Alvarez Carina Rosa

Fertility and Fertilizers
Universidad de Buenos Aires


Full Professor. • Teacher-researcher: category I. • Senior Researcher (CBACHILLER: graduated from Ceferino Namuncurá Institute, Florida, Province of Buenos Aires Aires. AGRONOMIC ENGINEER: graduated on 10-12-92 from the Faculty of Agronomy of the Buenos Aires' University. Average Overall: 8 (eight). Best Collation Award. December 1992. MAGISTER SCIENTIAE IN SOIL SCIENCES: graduated on 28-8-98 of the School for Graduates of the Faculty of Agronomy of the University of Buenos Aires. Category A (CONEAU). Thesis: Distribution and stability of organic matter and nitrogen in an Argiudol Typical of the Pampa Ondulada under different management systems. Rating: outstanding. DOCTOR IN AGRICULTURAL SCIENCES: graduated on 05-10-2012 of the School for Graduates of the Faculty of Agronomy of the University of Buenos Aires. Category A (CONEAU). Thesis: Physical condition of loamy soils under direct seeding: characterization, genesis and handling. Rating: outstanding. ONICET). • Director of the Executive Unit INBA (CONICET / FAUBA) TEACHING DEGREE • Faculty of Agronomy of the National University of La Pampa. • Faculty of Exact and Natural Sciences, UBA. • Faculty of Agronomy, UBA. Initial fee: Student assistant; Final Title: Full Professor

Research Interest

Fertility and Fertilizers


  • Paruelo JM, Guerschman JP, Verón SR. Agricultural expansion and changes in land use. Science today. 2005 Jun; 15 (87): 14-23.

  • Alvarez CR, Torres D, Chamorro ER, D'Ambrosio D, Taboada MA. Decompaction of no-tillage soils: effects on soil properties and crops. Ciencia del Suelo. 2009;27(2):159-69.

  • Taboada MA, Alvarez CR. Root abundance of maize in conventionally-tilled and zero-tilled soils of Argentina. Revista Brasileira de Ciência do Solo. 2008 Apr;32(2):769-79.

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