Lo Valvo Patricio Javier
Plant Production
Universidad de Buenos Aires
Doctorate in agricultural sciences in progress. CONICET Fellow. Project theme: Changes in productivity and response to foliar diseases of wheat cultivars released between 1900 and 2012 in Argentina. "Director: Miralles D.J .; co-director: Serrago R.A. Date of defense: March 2017 Grade Agronomist engineer of the Faculty of Agronomy of the University of Buenos Aires. Completed on December 21, 2011. Title of the intensification work "Response in the grain weight to the control of foliar diseases in wheat crops with different ratio source-target " Undergraduate Bachiller agronomist. 5 years. Year of graduation: 2002 Educational Institution: School Secondary of Agrarian Formation, Center of Average Education Nº 69.
Research Interest
Plant Production
Lo Valvo P.J., Serrago R.A., Miralles D.J.; Genetic progress in the Argentine bread wheat varieties released between 1900 and 2011: Changes in physiological and numerical yield components. En preparación para ser enviado a Field Crops Research.