López Pereira Mónica
Industrial Crops
Universidad de Buenos Aires
-Ingeniero Agrónomo, orientation Agricultural Production. Agronomy faculty, University of Buenos Aires (March 21, 1991). -Magister Scientiae in Plant Production. Graduate School Alberto Soriano, Faculty of Agronomy University of Buenos Aires, 03/23/2001. Category A - CONEAU, Resolution 369/99. -Student of the Doctoral Program of the School for Graduates of the Faculty of Agronomy University of Buenos Aires. Actual charge Acting Assistant Professor, Industrial Crops. Faculty of Agronomy - University of Buenos Aires.
Research Interest
Ecophysiology of grain crops, with special interest in yield determination potential in sunflower. - Canopy structure in grain crops: uniform, uneven and intersections.
de la Fuente, E., Gil, A., Lenardis, A., López Pereira, M., Suárez, S., Ghersa, C., and Yaber Grass, M. 2003. Effects of site degradation level on winter crops: grain, essential oils, and biomass production. Agriculture, Ecosystems and environmental. Pp. 159-169.
Grassini, P., Indaco, G., López Pereira, M., Hall, A.J., Trápani, N. 2007. Responses to short-term to waterlogging stress during grain filling in sunflower. Field Crops Research 101 (3):352-363.
López Pereira, M., Berney, A., Hall, A., Trápani, N. 2008.Contribution of pre anthesis photoassimilates to grain yield: its relationship with yield in Argentine sunflower cultivars released between 1930 and 1995. Field Crops Research. 105(1-2): 88-96.