
Environmental Sciences Experts

Luis Ignacio Pérez

First assistant
Department of Natural Resources and Environment
Universidad de Buenos Aires


Lic. In Biological Sciences, 2008. Faculty of Exact and Natural Sciences - University of Buenos Aires Doctor of the University of Buenos Aires in Agricultural Sciences, 2014. Faculty of Agronomy - University of Buenos Aires Scholarships Postdoctoral fellowship (CONICET). April 2014 - April 2016 Doctoral Scholarship (CONICET). April 2011 - April 2013 Doctoral fellowship (ANPCyT). August 2008 - April 2011 Charges First Assistant. Partial Dedication. Ecology Chair. Department of Natural Resources and Environment. Faculty of Agronomy, UBA. April 2009 to the present First assistant. Partial Dedication. Department of Ecology, Genetics and Evolution. Faculty of Exact and Natural Sciences, University of Buenos Aires. August 2015 - March 2016. Course: General Ecology. Second Assistant. Partial Dedication. Dept. Biodiversity and Experimental Biology. Faculty of Exact and Natural Sciences, University of Buenos Aires. 2008-2009.

Research Interest

Interactions between plants and microorganisms


  • Gundel P.E., Irisarri J.G.N., Fazio L., Casas C., Pérez, L.I. 2016 Inferring field performance from drought experiments can be misleading: The case of symbiosis between grasses and Epichloë fungal endophytes Journal of Arid Environments.

  • Mazía N., Moyano J., Pérez, L.I., Aguiar S., Garibaldi, L.A. and Schlichter, T. The sign and magnitude of tree–grass interaction along a global environmental gradient. Global Ecology and Biogeography

  • L.I. Pérez, P.E. Gundel, H.J. Marrero, A.G. Arzac, M. Omacini. 2017. Symbiosis with systemic fungal endophytes promotes host escape from vector-borne disease. Oecologia,184(1), 237-245.

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