Pedro Insausti
Associate Professor
Department of Applied Biology and Food
Universidad de Buenos Aires
Doctor of the University of Buenos Aires (Agricultural Sciences), 2009 Magister Scientiae. 1996. School for Graduates. Faculty of Agronomy, University of Buenos Aires Agronomist Engineer (Phytotechnology orientation). 1985. Faculty of Agronomy. UBA Charges Associate Professor, exclusive dedication, in charge of the Chair of Fruticultura, Department of Plant Production. Faculty of Agronomy, UBA Associate Professor, full time dedication. Chair: Plant Physiology. Department of Applied Biology and Food. Faculty: Agronomy. University: Buenos Aires
Research Interest
Eco-physiology Vegetable stress Eco-physiology in fruit trees Eco-physiology in natural grasslands
Insausti P. , Ploschuk EL, Izaguirre MM and MG Podworny. The effects of sunlight interception by sooty mold (Capnodium citri Berck & Desm.) On chlorophyll content and photosynthesis in orange leaves (Citrus sinensis L.). European Journal of Plant Pathology 143: 559-565
Windauer, LB; Insausti P .; Biganzoli, F., Benech-Arnold, R .; Izaguirre. MM 2016. Dormancy and germination responses of kiwifruit (Actinidia deliciosa) seeds to environmental cues. Seed Science and Research 26 (4): 342-350
Fabbri LT, Ploschuk EL, López MV, Insausti P. , and Rua GH 2016 Freezing tolerance differs between two ecotypes of Paspalum vaginatum (Poaceae). Acta Botanica Brasilica 30 (1): 152-156