Prystupa Pablo
Fertility and Fertilizers
Universidad de Buenos Aires
→ Agricultural Engineer. 1992, Faculty of Agronomy, University of Buenos Aires, Argentina. → Magister of the University of Buenos Aires in Plant Production. 2002, Faculty of Agronomy, University of Buenos Aires, Argentina. Charges → Adjunct Professor, Faculty of Agronomy - UBA.
Research Interest
Fertilization of extensive crops (barley, corn, soybeans): diagnosis of the fertilizer requirement, effects on the performance and industrial quality, ecophysiological mechanisms involved. → Water relations of eucalyptus seedlings
Alvarez C.R., H. Rimski-Korsakov, P. Prystupa y R.S. Lavado. 2007. Nitrogen dynamics and losses in direct drilled maize systems. Communications in Soil Science and Plant Analysis 38: 2045-2059.
Gutierrez Boem F.H., C.R Alvarez, M.J. Cabello, P.L. Fernández, A. Bono, P. Prystupa y M.A. Taboada. 2008. Phosphorus retention on soil surface of tilled and non-tilled soils. Soil Science Society of America Journal 72: 1158–1162.
Alvarez C.R., M.A. Taboada, F.H. Gutierrez Boem, A. Bono, P.L. Fernández y P. Prystupa. 2009. Topsoil properties as affected by tillage systems in the Rolling Pampa region of Argentina. Soil Science Society of America Journal 73: 1242-1250.