Susana B. Perelman
Associate Professor
Department of Quantitative Methods and Information Systems
Universidad de Buenos Aires
Magister Scientiae area Biometry; Graduate School Faculty of Agronomy. University of Buenos Aires, 1996 Agronomic Engineer - Orientation Fitotecnia. 1980. Faculty of Agronomy. Buenos Aires' University Charges Associate Professor (DE). Director of the Department of Quantitative Methods and Information Systems. FA-UBA
Research Interest
Quantitative Ecology Multivariate Analysis Descriptive Ecology of communities
Puhl, LE, SB Perelman , WB Batista, SE Burkart, and RJC León. 2014. Local and regional long-term diversity changes and biotic homogenization in two temperate grasslands. Journal of Vegetation Science 25: 1278-1288
Moreno Garcia, CA, J. Schellberg, F. Ewert, K. Brüser, P. Canales-Prati, A. Linstädter, RJ Oomen, JC Ruppert, and SB Perelman . 2014. Response of community-aggregated plant functional traits along grazing gradients: insights from African semi-arid grasslands. Applied Vegetation Science 17: 470-481
Ãlvarez, CR, MA Taboada, S. Perelman , and HJM Morrás. 2014. Topsoil structure in no-tilled soils in the Rolling Pampa, Argentina. Soil Research 52: 533-542