
Business & Management Experts

Enrique Daniel Hofman

School of Administration and Business
University of San Andres


Enrique Hofman is an Industrial Engineer (UBA) and has postgraduate studies in Total Quality (Quality College). He is director of the Master in Management of Technological Services and Telecommunications of the University of San Andrés and is a professor of Operations Management and Management of Services within the School of Business Administration. He also teaches courses in Organizational Design, Quality Management, Process Management and Project Management, in Postgraduate, Masters and Executive Training courses at the University of San Andrés.He has worked as a professor at the University of Buenos Aires and taught courses and seminars at several universities abroad. He is the author of multiple articles in magazines and newspapers as well as collaborated with chapters in various books.He was awarded a scholarship by the Ministry of Industry of the Government of Sweden (BIT) for the study of Quality Leadership (1993) and by MITI of Japan for the study of Executive Total Quality Management (1994). He has been National Judge of the National Quality Award, for seven years and was also a member of the Board of Directors and founder of the National Quality Award Foundation. He is currently a member of the ASQ (American Society for Quality) and AMCHAM (The American Chamber of Commerce in Argentina).He is president of QOMG (Quality Operations Management Group) and CFI Group Argentina. Among the companies and organizations where he has carried out consultancy work, we can highlight AFIP, Citibank, BBVA Banco Francés, Standard Bank, Patagonia Bank, Scotiabank, Zurich, Telecom, Telefonica, Claro / Cti, Mercado Libre, Molinos, Inbev, Quinsa, Petrobras, Pecom, Toyota, Iveco, Siemens, Groupon, Dell, Banco Supervielle, Nestlé.

Research Interest

Organizational Design, Quality Management, Process Management and Project Management,

Global Experts from Argentina

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