
Business & Management Experts

Gabriel Aramouni

School of Administration and Business
University of San Andres


"Gabriel Aramouni is a Public Accountant from the Faculty of Economic Sciences of the University of Buenos Aires (UBA). He has participated in executive programs at Georgetown University (Washington, USA), at Oxford University (London, England) and at the AICPA (New York, USA). In addition, he is director of the Center for Business Education (CEE) of the University of San Andrés and professor of the Chair of Information Systems of the Administration Department and director of the E-Goverment Program.He is a member of the University Consortium for Executive Education (UNICON), and is a representative of the University of San Andrés before the Sumaq Alliance, which brings together the main Business Schools of Spain and Latin America.He has taught numerous courses, seminars, conferences and workshops on topics of his specialty in leading academic institutions, at the undergraduate, postgraduate and executive training courses for professionals and businesswomen from Argentina and several Latin American countries. He has participated in local and international congresses and published numerous articles in the main newspapers and specialized magazines of our country. He is a guest columnist for the business magazine América Economía and a member of the Editorial Committee of the Innova Magazine, of the Faculty of Economic Sciences of the National University of Colombia.Professor Aramouni specialized in advising and training at management levels in information systems and technologies and business strategies, as well as in the implementation of integral solutions to optimize business processes. "

Research Interest

Information systems and technologies and business strategies, as well as in the implementation of integral solutions to optimize business processes.

Global Experts from Argentina

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