Norberto Alfredo Bruno
Director, Board of YPF
Business and Management
He graduated in Business Administration from the Universidad Argentina de la Empresa and has postgraduate studies in Strategic Management from the Instituto de Administración Estratégica; Business Organization and Management at the Instituto Argentino de Economía Energética and Energy Economics at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. He held various positions in YPF, where he served as Manager of International Development from 1983 to 1998, and in YPF Peru, where he was CEO from 1998 to 2000. Between 2001 and 2013 he was General Manager of Empresa de Energía Río Negro S.A. Prior to this he worked as a consultant. Since December 2015, he serves as the Minister of Economy and Infrastructure of the Province of Neuquén. Since April 2016 he holds the position of Director of YPF.
Research Interest
Business and Management