
Dermatology Experts

Renji Remesan

Professor and Chairman
Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology
Unilasalle University


Renji holds a basic degree in Agriculture Engineering from Kerala Agricultural University, India. Renji received the M.Tech Degree in Water Resources Development and Management from the Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur (IITKgp) and the Ph.D. Degree in Civil engineering from the University of Bristol. His Ph.D. research investigated data modelling Issues in hydroinformatics giving more emphasis to modelling of hydrological processes. Renji now working as a Post-Doctoral Research Assistant in Yorkshire Forward – Centre for Low Carbon Futures project in conjunction with Leeds, Sheffield and York Universities. The aim of his work is regional climatic and hydrological modelling for Yorkshire and Humberside region based on projected climate change scenarios. Renji holds a basic degree in Agriculture Engineering from Kerala Agricultural University, India. Renji received the M.Tech Degree in Water Resources Development and Management from the Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur (IITKgp) and the Ph.D. Degree in Civil engineering from the University of Bristol. His Ph.D. research investigated data modelling Issues in hydroinformatics giving more emphasis to modelling of hydrological processes. Renji now working as a Post-Doctoral Research Assistant in Yorkshire Forward – Centre for Low Carbon Futures project in conjunction with Leeds, Sheffield and York Universities. The aim of his work is regional climatic and hydrological modelling for Yorkshire and Humberside region based on projected climate change scenarios.

Research Interest

Renji’s Research Interests include Real-time flood forecasting, rainfall-runoff modeling, hydroinformatics and soft computing in hydrology, regional climatic modeling.

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