Hamlet L. Melkumyan
Department of History
Yerevan State University
Hamlet L. Melkumyan is Candidate of History, Assistant | Chair of Culturology Education Dr. of History: Cultural Anthropology. 2011: Hold his PhD. Supervisor: Prof. L. Abrahamian. PhD Paper: The Dynamics of Developing and Preserving Armenian Culture at the Modern Stage (The Cultural Study of the Yerevan Vernissages). PhD (2008 - 2011), Department: Cultural Studies, Yerevan State University 2006 - 2008: Master, Department: Cultural Studies, Yerevan State University 2002 - 2006: Bachelor, Department: Cultural Studies, Yerevan State University Work Experience 2009 February up to now Department of Contemporary Anthropological Studies, Institute of Ethnography and Archeology. Job description: research fellow. 2008 - up to now Department of Cultural Studies, Yerevan state University. Job description: Assistant. 2007 - 2008: Department of Cultural Studies, Yerevan state University. Job description: junior assistant.
Research Interest
Anthropology of Nationalism and Identity. Economic Anthropology (Market studies and Informal Economy). Everyday Anthropology. Anthropology of Religion. Urban Anthropology. Souvenir and tourist Anthropology. Yezidyi Studies.