Seyranush S. Manukyan
Department of History
Yerevan State University
Seyranush S. Manukyan is Candidate of Arts, Associate Professor | Chair of History and Theory of Armenian Art Education 1966 - 1967: Yerevan State University, Yerevan; Department of Philology, Russian language and Literature 1967 - 1972: Lomonosov Moscow State University, Faculty of History, The Department of the History of Art Academic degree 17.00.03, 2008: Ph.D National Academy of Sciences Institute of the Arts, Dissertation “Rubrication in the Illumination System of Armenian Manuscript Gospels” Professional experience 1973 - Present: National Academy of Sciences-Institute of Arts, Senior Researcher 1992 - 1995: Armenian Palace of Commerce, “Armekspertiza” as a Fine Arts Expert 1993 - 1996: Ministry of Culture of Armenia, expert of art and books in the specialized committee of the export of cultural values 1996: Present – Yerevan State University, UNESCO Chair of Armenian Art History 2002 - 2012: Ministry of Culture of Armenia, Expert Centre of Culltural Values, member and an expert of Fine Arts
Research Interest
The Problems of Armenian Medieval and Modern Art Armenian-Byzantine, Armenian -West-European cultural relations in Middle Age