Tamar L. Hayrapetyan
Department of History
Yerevan State University
Tamar L. Hayrapetyan is Doctor of Philological Sciences, Professor | Chair of Culturology Education 1982-1987 Yerevan State University, Faculty of Armenian Philology, the Armenian language and Literature. Academic degree “The life and career of Konstandin Melik-Shahnazaryan (Tmblachi Khachan)” 2001-Diploma of Candidate of Philology, YSU. “The symbol indicators in Armenian folk tales and epic heritage” 2014-Diploma of Doctor of Sciencies (Philology), Institute of Literature named after M. Abeghyan of the National Academy of Sciences of RA. Professional experience 2001 - 2007: NAS RA, Institute of Archaeology and Ethnography, researcher. 2007 - 2010: NAS RA, Institute of Archaeology and Ethnography, senior researcher. 2010 – present NAS RA, Institute of Archaeology and Ethnography, head of the department of Folklore and Textology. 2007 – present lecturer of the Chair of Culturology, Faculty of History, Yerevan State University.
Research Interest
Epic genres of Armenian folklore comparative typology of Armenian folktales system of symbols in Armenian folktales.