Steven Fang
Non-Executive Chairman
life sciencess
ounder of Invitrocue, partner at Clearbridge Accelerator and was the Group CEO of CordLife Ltd. He has been awarded with the World Economic Forum Technology Pioneer Award, Ernst & Young Entrepreneur of the Year for New Enterprise, Spirit of Enterprise and the Asia Pacific Entrepreneurship Award’s Outstanding Entrepreneur Award. Dr Fang has over two decades of experience in building biotechnology and life sciences companies. Dr Fang wa
Research Interest
ounder of Invitrocue, partner at Clearbridge Accelerator and was the Group CEO of CordLife Ltd. He has been awarded with the World Economic Forum Technology Pioneer Award, Ernst & Young Entrepreneur of the Year for New Enterprise, Spirit of Enterprise and the Asia Pacific Entrepreneurship Award’s Outstanding Entrepreneur Award. Dr Fang has over two decades of experience in building biotechnology and life sciences companies. Dr Fang wa