Kamal Datta
Chairman of Department of Psychiatry
Department of Psychiatry
Union Graduate College
Dr. Kamal Datta is an Assistant Professor Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Cellular Biology Georgetown University Medical Center Washington DCHe received an MD in Biochemistry from All India Institute of Medical Sciences New Delhi India in 2001 and completed his postdoctoral fellowship at the National Institutes of Health. He received a number of awards including NIH Fellows Award for Research Excellence FARE in 2004 and International Congress of Radiation Research Award in 2007. His recent invited presentations were at International Workshop on Radiation Damage to DNA Atlanta Georgia in 2010 Heavy Ions in Therapy and Space Symposium Cologne Germany in 2009. He has published in journals like PNAS and Blood and is a reviewer of Toxicological Sciences Carcinogenesis and Journal of Neurochemistry. Dr. Kamal Datta is an Assistant Professor Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Cellular Biology Georgetown University Medical Center Washington DCHe received an MD in Biochemistry from All India Institute of Medical Sciences New Delhi India in 2001 and completed his postdoctoral fellowship at the National Institutes of Health. He received a number of awards including NIH Fellows Award for Research Excellence FARE in 2004 and International Congress of Radiation Research Award in 2007. His recent invited presentations were at International Workshop on Radiation Damage to DNA Atlanta Georgia in 2010 Heavy Ions in Therapy and Space Symposium Cologne Germany in 2009. He has published in journals like PNAS and Blood and is a reviewer of Toxicological Sciences Carcinogenesis and Journal of Neurochemistry.
Research Interest
DNA damage, repair & mutagenesis, Radiation-induced DNA damage, DNA double-strand break repair, Non-Homologous End Joining, Stress signaling, Reactive oxygen species & Oxidative stress, p53 & apoptosis, Space radiation & oxidative stress, Gastrointestinal/Colorectal cancer, Wnt signaling pathway