
Oncology Experts

Mathew A Vadas

Australian Cancer Research Foundation


 He was appointed to the Australian Cancer Research Foundation Medical Research Advisory Committee (MRAC) in 1997, and served as Chair of the Foundation for five years before stepping down in 2007. He currently serves on the Board of Governors of the Centenary Institute, the Sydney Institutes of Health and Medical Research and the Arts & Health Foundation. As a qualified physician (FRACP) and pathologist in immunology (FRCPA) and has practiced as such in Sydney, Melbourne and Adelaide, as well as in Boston MA, USA. His research has primarily focused on understanding the inflammatory pathway as it contributes to chronic diseases and cancer. With special emphasis on endothelial biology he uses a multidisciplinary approach to discover new molecules that may uncover fundamental phenomena of nature and lead to novel therapeutics. An inventor on more than 30 patents and having published over 280 high impact papers primarily in the area of inflammation, Professor Vadas is a leader in the field. His highly original and medically relevant work has been cited over 17,000 times, and has been recently recognised as an Inaugural Citation Laureate in Australia – one of five in this discipline. Under his stewardship the Centenary Institute has grown rapidly and has strengthened its links with Sydney University, Royal Prince Alfred Hospital and more recently with LIfehouse, with the formation of Centenary-Lifehouse Cancer Research Centre. In the past he was the primary initiator and Inaugural Director of the Hanson Centre for Cancer Research (now Hanson Institute), and has contributed strongly to the Australian biotechnology sector, being involved in the establishment of two ASX listed biotechnology companies.

Research Interest

 Neurooncology  Integrative Oncology Carcinogenesis & Mutagenesis 

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