Prof. John Bell
Australian Nnaotechnology Alliance
Assistant Dean (Research) Queensland University of Technology Professor Bell has worked for nearly 20 years on thin film materials, with research on materials for energy efficiency in buildings, solar cells, sensors and hard coatings. His work on dye-senstisied solar cells has focused on modification of the nanostructured titania by ion implantation and also modeling of the charge transport process in DSC. More recently he has focused research on the extraction of power form DSC and other PV systems, leading the development of a consortium focused on integration of solar energy systems into the energy network. He has also worked on hydrogen production using two methods, including photocatalytic hydrogen production. He holds a Queensland Government Smart Futures Fellowship. He was a Program Leader in the Australian CRC for Renewable Energy (1996-2001) and the CRC for Construction Innovation (2002-2004), focusing on the impacts of energy efficient technology in buildings. He has served on the Board of the Sustainable Energy Industry Association (1999-2002), including serving as the Queensland Branch Chair in 2003, and the Business Council for Sustainable Energy (2003), and the IEAust Task Force on Energy in Construction. He was a member of the Energex earthsChoice (greenpower) Advisory Panel and has significant experience. He has facilitated industry workshops for the Australian Greenhouse Office. Professor Bell is the Assistant Dean (Research) in the Faculty of Built Environment and Engineering at Queensland University of Technology.
Research Interest
material sciences