Melanie Lehman
Computational Biologist, Vancouver Prostate Centre
cancer research
australian prostate cancer research centre
Dr Lehman is an early career researcher who has worked for the past 11 years in prostate cancer research. She was awarded a PhD in 2011 from the University of British Columbia (Vancouver Prostate Center; ‘Analysis of the Androgen Regulated Transcriptome). Prior to her PhD, she acquired a BSc in cell biotechnology (University of Alberta, 1998); university level training in software engineering, math, and statistics; and 6 years work experience in bioinformatics. She has collaborated nationally and internationally with academia and industry (AstraZeneca, Pfizer and Takeda) resulting in 9 publications since 2009. She has written a book chapter with Prof Nelson on the complexity of the prostate cancer transcriptome (ed. Wang 2013). Since joining APCRC-Q in 2012, she has been an invited speaker at 7 international and 2 national conferences and a webinar describing her work on the prostate cancer transcriptome and was an advisor, session chair and speaker for the RNAseq track of Clinical Genomics and Informatics conference (Lisbon Portugal, Dec 2013).
Research Interest
cancer research