
Dentistry Experts

Allan Ernest

Senior Lecturer
School of Dentistry and Health Sciences
Charles Sturt University


My primary role is to lecture and carry out research in Physics for the university. I completed my PhD in 1991 at the University of New England, working on theoretical and experimental aspects of the atomic and molecular physics involved in electrical excitation and ionisation processes in gases. I have since worked in several teaching and postdoctoral positions at various tertiary institutions including the University of New England and the University of Tasmania. My experimental experience includes ultra-high vacuum techniques, small signal detection, noise reduction and signal processing, high voltage and optical techniques, and the use of highly tuned laser irradiation to manipulate atomic and molecular particle populations. I have also worked on accompanying theoretical aspects, by developing numeric and analytical models, formulating and solving various differential transport and rate equations, and developing new techniques for data processing. More recently my research has been in the area of theoretical astrophysics, applying aspects of quantum theory to understand the nature of dark energy and dark matter. It turns out that many (gravitational) quantum states of the deep gravitational fields of astrophysical structures are 'dark' (i.e. extremely long-lived and invisible). Ordinary baryonic particles whose wavefunctions are composed of eigenspectral mixes that include large fractions of such states naturally become invisible and weakly interacting and will exhibit different cross sections to those measured here on Earth. Population of these states can therefore form the basis of some or all of the dark matter of the universe without recourse to new particles or new physics, yet maintain a consistency with primordial elemental abundances and cosmic microwave anisotropy observations, the two pillars of observation that would cause us to believe that we need new, unknown particles to explain dark matter. This is an exciting area of research and also one that needs considerably more investigation. If you would like to know more about my dark matter or dark energy research please see my research page and publications for more details. At Charles Sturt University we currently teach undergraduate Physics to 1st, 2nd and 3rd year students and also have honours and PhD students carrying out research. Our 1st year subjects are aimed at students in applied areas such as Radiography, Wine Science and Education, and also students wanting to continue in Physics at a higher level. Since taking up the position at the School of Dentistry and Health Science, I have been a member of the Research Committee and the Teaching and Learning Committee and was Chair of the Learning and Teaching Committee from 2010 to 2013. I am concerned that some students find physics more difficult than it should be for them, and as such I have been involved with testing ideas and research within CSU that might enable students to better develop their interest, knowledge and understanding in physics. Publishing the results of research is vital for the progress of science, as is collaboration and communication with professional colleagues. My career my research has resulted in over fifty scholarly articles over varied fields and I am a member of several professional bodies, the Australian Institute of Physics (AIP), the Australian Astronomical Society (ASA) and the Australian National Institute for Theoretical Astrophysics (ANITA).

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