Dr Emma Colvin
Law And Justice
Charles Sturt University
Emma commenced at CSU as a lecturer in Justice Studies in February 2013. She completed her PhD in Criminology in 2015 through Monash University. Her thesis, entitled 'Conditional Justice: Therapeutic Bail in Victoria', examined the implementation and impact of pre-trial support services. She completed her Master of Criminology through the University of Melbourne in 2008. Emma has previously taught in the criminology discipline at Monash University and in the legal studies discipline at La Trobe University. She has also been involved in several research projects on police, victims, and homeless young people. Emma was the Managing Editor of the Australian and New Zealand Journal of Criminology from 2010-2012.
Research Interest
Court processes and procedures
Colvin, E. "Therapeutic Bail and Social Control", paper presented at the Australian and New Zealand Society of Criminology Conference, Auckland, New Zealand, 27-29 Nov 2012
Colvin, E. "Rural Injustice: The impact of limited access to pre-trial services on rural and regional people", paper presented at the Crime, Justice and Social Democracy Conference, Brisbane, Queensland, 8-11 July 2013
McGrath, A., Gerard, A., Colvin, E. "Carer Decision-Making on Sentencing and Bail", paper presented at the National Rural Law and Justice Conference, Orange, NSW, 3-4th July 2015.