Ezekiel (uba) Nwose
School of Community Health
Charles Sturt University
Dr Ezekiel Uba Nwose is a Nigerian born and trained professional medical scientist. He graduated from University of Calabar with BSc (Hons) in Medical Laboratory Technology, followed by MSc Biochemistry from University Benin – both in Nigeria; and PhD here at Charles Sturt University. At the professional level, Uba is a Chartered Scientist (CSci) & Fellow member of Institute of Biomedical Science (FIBMS) London, and a corporate Member of Australian Institute of Medical Scientists (MAIMS). In terms of working experience, Uba has over 24years experience including teaching, research & on-the-bench diagnostic pathology from across Nigeria, Kuwait and Australia. Uba has been affiliated to CSU since 2004 – joining as a PhD research student and Casual Academic; then continuing as Adjunct till January 2014 when re-joined as full-time academic in January 2014. His research revolves around laboratory-based translational clinical science. He coordinates an international research initiative involving collaborators from Australia, Nigeria and United States of America.
Research Interest
Biomedical Sciences