
Veterinary Sciences Experts

Marta Hernandez-jover

Senior Lecturer
School of Animal and Veterinary Sciences
Charles Sturt University


Dr Marta Hernández-Jover is a Senior Lecturer in Epidemiology and Veterinary Public Health at the School of Animal and Veterinary Science at Charles Sturt University (CSU) in Wagga Wagga. Marta graduated in 2000 from the Universitat Autonoma of Barcelona in Spain, where she also completed her PhD on livestock traceability in 2006. Marta moved to Australia in 2005 working as a research manager for a company specialising in electronic identification of livestock. In 2006, Marta joined the University of Sydney as an Epidemiology research fellow working on traceability, biosecurity, disease surveillance and risk analysis. Marta started at the School of Animal and Veterinary Sciences at CSU in 2012, where she teaches epidemiology, public health and food safety to veterinary and animal science students. Since completing her PhD, Dr Hernández-Jover has published over 30 research articles in peer-reviewed scientific journals. Her main interests and current research focus on biosecurity in the livestock industries and epidemiology and risk analysis methods applied to infectious animal diseases and public health. Some of her recent and current research projects are focused on reducing biosecurity risks among livestock producers, investigating the risks of introduction and spread of exotic diseases into Australia and studying the potential animal and public health impact of endemic diseases. Marta is the deputy chair of the Research Committee of the School of Veterinary and Animal Sciences and the Higher Degree by Research student coordinator.

Research Interest

Applied epidemiology and risk analysis for the prevention and control of endemic and exotic diseases with an animal and/or public health impact

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