
Environmental Sciences Experts

Rosemary Black

Associate Professor
School of Environmental Science
Charles Sturt University


Rosemary began her career with the Ministry of Conservation in Victoria and then spent three years working as a Parks Recreation Officer at St Kilda Council, later working for the National Trust as a Conservation Officer dealing with natural and cultural heritage issues. Changing direction, she joined World Expeditions, Australia's largest adventure travel company as an outdoor guide. She began working in Australia, teaching cross-country skiing in Kosciuszko National Park and then spent five years in Nepal leading trekking groups through the Himalayas. She also had the opportunity to take groups through India, China, Tibet and Fiji. As an outdoor guide, an important part of her role was to interpret the natural and cultural environment for the clients whether it was the alpine areas of Kosciuszko or the Nepalese culture. She then worked for the NSW National Parks and Wildlife Service in Kosciuszko National Park as a seasonal ranger and field officer and later as the ranger for Myall Lakes National Park, a coastal park on the NSW mid-north coast. While with the Service, she was involved in a wide range of park management issues including interpretation and visitor management. Rosemary joined CSU in 1995 and has taught a range of subjects, but specialises in interpretation, guiding, outdoor recreation and adventure tourism. Her research interests are interlinked with her teaching, with a focus on sustainability, sustainable behaviours, environmental communication, tour guiding and adventure tourism. She has published over 49 refereed publications and edited 4 books. Rosemary maintains strong links to the professions through her involvement and contribution to Interpretation Australia, Guiding Organisations of Australia and the Global Sustainable Tourism Council. She is on the Editorial Board of the Journal of Ecotourism and Journal of Interpretation Research. Rosemary holds a Ministerial appointment on the NSW National Parks and Wildlife Service, Southern Ranges Regional Advisory Committee.

Research Interest

Interpretation & Ecotourism

Global Experts from Australia

Global Experts in Subject

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