
Geology & Earth Science Experts

Clive Brown

Civil Engineering


Mr Brown is the former Minister for State Development in the Western Australian State Government. He was previously a director of Phosphate Resources Ltd from 1992 to 1999 and has held a variety of company directorships. Since leaving the Parliament in 2005 he has been an advisor to a range of mining companies and has undertaken enquiries and reviews for the WA State and Federal Governments. Mr Brown is the former Minister for State Development in the Western Australian State Government. He was previously a director of Phosphate Resources Ltd from 1992 to 1999 and has held a variety of company directorships. Since leaving the Parliament in 2005 he has been an advisor to a range of mining companies and has undertaken enquiries and reviews for the WA State and Federal Governments.

Research Interest

Business Management, Infrastructure and Architecture

Global Experts from Australia

Global Experts in Subject

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