Mark Neaves
Environmental Science
Ecotech Pty Ltd
Nido Qubein once said ‘What if you could be anything, or anybody you chose to be? Think about it. What would you choose to be?’ If I had to answer, I would choose to be a member of a team who are professional, energetic, driven and striving to stand out above the crowd. It’s not always easy setting a standard and living up to it but only the hard fought and hard worked is worth anything in life. One thing that I like is that this company likes setting the a high standard... Being a leader! Our team in Ecotech are truly passionate about the environment, both looking after it and also our core business of monitoring it. This passion is evident not only in my area of sales and business development but throughout the group of technicians. Working for a company that has passion means your focus isn’t just on making a profit but making a difference, for both the environment and more importantly our clients. If you require advice on best practice, monitoring techniques, ways of improving efficiency or saving costs while maintaining your integrity when it comes to protecting the environment then contact me. If I can’t help then I can point you toward someone who can. WORKLIFE ACCOMPLISHMENTS ⶠEight years of technical, systems design and programming experience â· Managed R&D department incorporating circuit design, programming and market research ⸠Created and implemented a marketing plan which increased specific product sales by 20% per year â¹ Designed Windows based software for DAS, internal service database and client systems ⺠Programmed and designed circuits for ARM devices â» Honorary police officer in the Republic of Kiribati
Research Interest
Business Management