Theadora Forster-anderson
Fiona Stanley Hospital
Theadora Forster-Anderson is a surgical registrar practicing in a service role at Fiona Stanley Hospital in Perth, WA. She is interested in the field of general surgery including the evaluation and management of trauma cases. With a background of unaccredited time spent in otolaryngology she has a particular familiarity with facial trauma. Dr Tamalee Henson is a junior medical officer practicing at the same hospital with an interest in orthopaedic surgery. Theadora Forster-Anderson is a surgical registrar practicing in a service role at Fiona Stanley Hospital in Perth, WA. She is interested in the field of general surgery including the evaluation and management of trauma cases. With a background of unaccredited time spent in otolaryngology she has a particular familiarity with facial trauma. Dr Tamalee Henson is a junior medical officer practicing at the same hospital with an interest in orthopaedic surgery.
Research Interest
orthopaedic surgery