Dr Shayanti Mukherjee
Postdoctoral Scientist
The Ritchie Centre
Hudson Institute of Medical Research
Dr Shayanti Mukherjee is a Science and Industry Endowment Fund (SIEF) John Stocker postdoctoral Fellow in the Women’s health theme at the Ritchie Centre, Hudson Institute of Medical Research. She completed her PhD at the National University of Singapore in 2013 where her work contributed to the growing body of nanobiomaterial research in repair and regeneration of infarcted myocardium.
Research Interest
Her current research investigates the evaluation of cell-based biomaterial constructs for pelvic floor reconstruction surgeries. Using her inter-disciplinary research experience across academia and industry, Dr Mukherjee has a strong interest in accelerating the clinical translation of stem cell based POP surgical constructs to improve the quality of life of millions of women worldwide.
Ravichandran R, Venugopal JR, Mukherjee S, Sundarrajan S, Ramakrishna S (2015) Elastomeric core/shell nanofibrous cardiac patch as a biomimetic support for infarcted porcine myocardium. Tissue Engineering Part A 21(7-8), 1288-1298.
Wang JL, Mukherjee S, Nisbet DR, Birbilis N, Chen XB (2015) In vitro evaluation of biodegradable magnesium alloys containing micro-alloying additions of strontium, with and without zinc. Journal of Materials Chemistry B 3 (45), 8874-8883. Equal 1st Author.
Nasiri N, Ceramidas A, Mukherjee S, Panneerselvan A, Nisbet DR , Tricoli A (2016) Ultra-Porous Nanoparticle Networks: A Biomimetic Coating Morphology for Enhanced Cellular Response and Infiltration. Scientific Reports 6:24305.