Agri and Aquaculture

Agri and Aquaculture Experts

Peter Ridd

Centre for Tropical Water and Aquatic Ecosystem Research
James Cook University


Peter Ridd is a geophysicist with the following interests: coastal oceanography, the effects of sediments on coral reefs, instrument development, geophysical sensing of the earth, past and future climates, atmospheric modelling. In addition with his group in the Marine Geophysics Laboratory Peter Ridd is a geophysicist with the following interests: coastal oceanography, the effects of sediments on coral reefs, instrument development, geophysical sensing of the earth, past and future climates, atmospheric modelling. In addition with his group in the Marine Geophysics Laboratory

Research Interest

Oceanography Sediment Coral Reefs Instrument development climate mangrove swamps geophysics robotics equatorial trough simple climate models

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