
Business & Management Experts

Sabine Krajewski

Department of Media, Music, Communication and Cultural Studi
Macquarie University


If people were meant to have roots, they'd be trees, and if they were meant to fly, they wouldn't keep losing their luggage." Sabine's attitude towards life and work is summarized in the above quote. She received her M.A. in North American Studies from the John F. Kennedy Institute, Free University Berlin, Germany. Her doctoral degree (Thesis: Life goes on. And sometimes it doesn't. A comparative study of medical drama in the US, Great Britain, and Germany) was completed at the European University Viadrina in Frankfurt/Oder, Germany. Sabine started her professional life in marketing and product development for a haircare company in Berlin, worked for a German radio station and then became a lecturer in departments of modern languages and in departments of international communication. She has lived and worked in the US, Canada, France, Germany, the UK, China, and Australia.

Research Interest

Sabine's teaching and research interests are in the broad field of Intercultural communication with particular focus on taboo in intercultural contexts, power structures, and migration. She currently explores the concept of taboo as a gatekeeper of social order and control in different cultures. Sabine offers regular workshops "Cross-cultural communication" and "Taboo - The consequences of tasting forbidden fruit", as part of the Global Leadership Program at Macquarie University. Postgraduate research supervision included MA and PhD theses about Chinese media, media images, stereotyping women in the media, and cultural intelligence in Australian and German business organizations. Sabine currently supervises a PhD thesis on practices of border transgression and changing spatialities in European borderlands.


  • Krajewski S. The Next Buddha May be a Community: Practising Intercultural Competence at Macquarie University, Sydney, Australia. Cambridge Scholars Publishing; 2011 May 25.

  • Krajewski CR. Life goes on. Sometimes It Doesn’t. A Comparative Study of Medical Drama in the US, Great Britain and Germany. Frankfurt: Lang. 2002;624.

  • Krajewski S. Developing intercultural competence in multilingual and multicultural student groups. Journal of Research in International Education. 2011 Aug;10(2):137-53.

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