Yingjie Yang
Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences
Macquarie University
I am an observational seismologist at the department of Earth and Planetary of Sciences, Macquarie University in Sydney, Australia. I got my Bachelor of Sciences from University of Science and Technology of China in 2000. My PhD studies took place in Brown University majoring in Geophysics/Seismology during 2000-2005. Afterwards, I took research associate and senior research associate positions at University of Colorado at Boulder. In 2010, I moved to Macquarie University as a lecturer. Now I am a Associate Professor/ARC Future Fellow.
Research Interest
Ambient noise surface wave tomography: The method is based on the extraction of surface-wave Green functions from cross-correlating sequences of ambient or background seismic noise that from the random seismic wavefield. Dispersion measurements based on ambient noise have distinct advantage over traditional earthquake-based measurements, including extension to the band of measurements to shorter periods, generating information between any arbitrary station pairs , and shrinking lateral sensitivity kernels. The consequence is that surface wave tomography based on the cross-correlation of ambient noise promises significantly lateral and vertical resolution relative to traditional methods of surface wave tomography. Finite-frequency surface wave tomography: Evaluate 2-D sensitivity kernel validity in predicting surface wave filed variation when propagating over a heterogeneous structure using numerical simulation. Develop a regional surface wave tomography method based on 2-D sensitivity kernels. Using normal mode Rayleigh wave data filtered and windowed from seismograms recorded at the TriNet network in southern California, I invert for phase velocities at periods from 25 to 143 s. The phase velocities are further inverted for shear wave velocity structure at depth range from surface to 250 km.
Zheng S, Sun X, Song X, Yang Y, Ritzwoller MH. Surface wave tomography of China from ambient seismic noise correlation. Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems. 2008 May 1;9(5).
Yang Y, Ritzwoller MH. Characteristics of ambient seismic noise as a source for surface wave tomography. Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems. 2008 Feb 1;9(2).
Yang Y, Ritzwoller MH, Levshin AL, Shapiro NM. Ambient noise Rayleigh wave tomography across Europe. Geophysical Journal International. 2007 Jan 1;168(1):259-74.