Phillip Hains
Chief Financial Officer
MTP connect
Mr Hains holds almost 30 years experience in corporate accounting, administration, and general management, and has served on a number of public company boards and related committees. Phillip is driven to achieve, and finds continual inspiration in his colleagues and employees. His depth of experience in the corporate world has also taught him that successful people know how to have fun. Phillip is the founder of The CFO Solution, and is a passionate advocate of The Australian Outward Bound Foundation (OBA). He has given back to the community through his sponsorship and pro bono work for OBA, as well as assisting many of his friends, family and staff to attend OBA courses. Phillip is currently a Director and Treasurer/Secretary of OBA. Phillip holds an MBA from RMIT and obtained his Public Practice Certificate from the Institute of Chartered Accountants in 1998.
Research Interest
Business Management