Alec Mchoul
Emeritus Professor
School of Arts
Murdoch University
Alec McHoul joined Murdoch University in 1986 and, until 2007, was Head of the School of Media Communication & Culture. MCC has since been incorporated into the School of Arts. He also co-ordinated Honours programs in MCC and, until 2017, co-ordinated the Honours Seminar in Arts(ART503) Alec was the founding convenor of: The Australian Institute for Ethnomethodology and Conversation Analysis (AIEM/CA) and edited The Virtual/Informational/Digital (V/I/D) site of the Culture & Communication Reading Room
Research Interest
Ethnomethodology & Conversation Analysis, • Social Theory / Post-phenomenology, • Ordinary Language Philosophy (Wittgenstein & Ryle), • Critique of Cognitivist Psychology