Joe Clare
Senior Lecturer in Criminology
Murdoch University
I completed a PhD in Cognitive Psychology at UWA in 2004 and a Masters in Criminology and Criminal Justice from Griffith University in 2008. Since 2005, I have worked in applied criminology research roles at the UWA Crime Research Centre and Simon Fraser University’s Institute for Canadian Urban Research Studies. Between 2010 and 2013, I worked for Surrey Fire Service, BC, Canada, undertaking strategic and operations focused research. From mid-2013 I spent 18-months managing quantitative research for the Victorian Sentencing Advisory Council, with a focus on criminal court statistics and research into sentencing. My research focus is on using available data to contribute to solving applied problems. I am currently involved in a range of prevention-focused research with the Western Australian Police and some local governments in Western Australia.
Research Interest
I am interested in continuing my research in the following broad areas: 1. Offender and victim decision-making and the connection between Criminology and Cognitive Psychology, with particular emphasis on the longitudinal development of offenders’ domain-specific expertise and the impact of cognitive awareness space on the movements of offenders and victims. 2. Crime prevention and applications of the situational crime prevention framework. I am particularly interested in continuing to examine the relationship between Environmental Criminology, Crime Prevention, Population Health, and Epidemiology. I also want to continue to explore the capacity that Environmental Criminology theory and situational crime prevention have to enhance the design, delivery, and evaluation of targeted fire prevention strategies. 3. Assault victimisation, particularly as captured by victimisation surveys and also focusing on assaults on police officers. My interest in victimisation surveys extends to incorporate the value of small-scale, locally-focused crime and safety surveys in order to inform local crime prevention and community safety policy and practice.