Dr Maria Seron
Electrical Engineering and Computing
Newcastle University
"Maria M. Seron received the Electronic Engineer degree from the Universidad Nacional de Rosario, Argentina in 1988 and the PhD degree from The University of Newcastle, Australia in 1996. During 1997-1998, she held post-doctoral positions in Belgium, Australia and the USA. From 1999 to 2002, she was an Associate Professor with the Department of Electronic Engineering, Universidad Nacional de Rosario, Argentina. Since 2002, she has been a Research Fellow with the Centre for Complex Dynamic Systems and Control, The University of Newcastle. Her research interests include constrained control, fault tolerant control and hybrid systems. "
Research Interest
Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Applied Mathematics
Seron MM, De Doná JA, MartÃnez JJ. Invariant set approach to actuator fault tolerant control. IFAC Proceedings Volumes. 2009 Jan 1;42(8):1605-10.
Nacusse MA, Romero M, Haimovich H, Seron MM. DTFC versus MPC for induction motor control reconfiguration after inverter faults. InControl and Fault-Tolerant Systems (SysTol), 2010 Conference on 2010 Oct 6 (pp. 759-764). IEEE.
Yetendje A, Seron M, De Dona J. Diagnosis and actuator fault tolerant control in vehicle active suspension. InInformation and Automation for Sustainability, 2007. ICIAFS 2007. Third International Conference on 2007 Dec 4 (pp. 153-158). IEEE.